Monday, September 1, 2014

Sermon Notes: August 31, 2014

Starting today, I will be sharing the sermon notes I take into the pulpit with me.  I do this for a couple of reasons.  First, I hope members from the church I pastor (Lakeville) will use the notes to review the sermon they've just heard.  I hope it will help remind them of something from the sermon they may have forgotten or forgot to write down.  Secondly, I hope this will be a source of encouragement to those who do not attend Lakeville.  I know that I've been blessed by listening to, watching and reading sermons from other men of God. Now, I hope my notes will be a blessing to others.

Sermon notes from August 31, 2014:

Groaning For Glory, Pt 3 (Romans 8:26-27)

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